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Economic freedom means development
Maria Bnińska...efficiency (business freedom, labor freedom, and monetary freedom); and Market openness (trade freedom, investment freedom, and financial freedom). According to...
Baltic States high up on the 2017 Economic Freedom ranking
Jo Harper...government integrity); Government size (tax burden, government spending, and fiscal health); Regulatory efficiency (business freedom, labor freedom, and monetary freedom);...
Ile płacą miasta by być bardziej znane
Katarzyna Kozłowska...budżetu (np. w części wydatków promocyjnych, w części wydatków na kulturę itd.). W ramach budżetu promocyjnego na pewno można wyodrębnić kilka rodzajów...
Sekretna broń przeciwko rynkowi finansowemu
Anna Wielopolska...drogo. Jak Freeman widzi zagrożenie Kevin Freeman pokazuje problem w czterech odsłonach. W pierwszej – motywy wrogich sił, w drugiej – środki...
Amerykańska wolność od etatów
Anna Wielopolska...freelancingu, jako rosnącego zjawiska wybuchła w 2014 roku, kiedy Unia Freelancerów i międzynarodowa platforma freelancerska Upwork opublikowały dane pokazujące, że ponad 53...
Fight for the new Ukrainian Tax Code
Wołodymyr Kuchar...local elections. His newly formed party needs a potent driving mechanism which could have been provided by promoting the Tax Code....
China is getting more and more interested in Ukraine.
Michał a platform for delivering its production onto the EU market duty-free. “Ukraine has a free trade agreement with the European Union....
Beneficial changes in the EU single market
Anna Patrycja Czepiel...famous four freedoms underpinning the single market of the European Union – the free movement of persons, goods, services and...
Poland slightly improved its score in the Economic Freedom Index
Marek Pielach...and fiscal health), regulatory efficiency (business freedom, monetary policy, labor market) and market openness (trade freedom, investment freedom, financial freedom)....
China wants to force closer ties with Ukraine
Michał KozakThe Kiev-based news portal Apostrophe informed that the draft agreement on the establishment of a Chinese-Ukrainian free trade area was prepared...