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Economic freedom means development
Maria Bnińska...efficiency (business freedom, labor freedom, and monetary freedom); and Market openness (trade freedom, investment freedom, and financial freedom). According to...

Baltic States high up on the 2017 Economic Freedom ranking
Jo Harper...government integrity); Government size (tax burden, government spending, and fiscal health); Regulatory efficiency (business freedom, labor freedom, and monetary freedom);...

Offshore wind farms are necessary for the energy industry
Tomasz Świderek...4.8 GW of capacity under construction, and 13.1 GW in planned capacity. The conservative expectations of Poland’s National Energy Policy...

Amerykańska wolność od etatów
Anna Wielopolska...freelancingu, jako rosnącego zjawiska wybuchła w 2014 roku, kiedy Unia Freelancerów i międzynarodowa platforma freelancerska Upwork opublikowały dane pokazujące, że ponad 53...

Sekretna broń przeciwko rynkowi finansowemu
Anna Wielopolska...drogo. Jak Freeman widzi zagrożenie Kevin Freeman pokazuje problem w czterech odsłonach. W pierwszej – motywy wrogich sił, w drugiej – środki...

Energy revolution: a problem or a path to brighter future?
Jacek Krzemiński...restarted even after the electricity supply was restored — the newer models required an upload of software. Without electricity we...

Bulgaria starts IBEX and completes its energy market liberalization
Rumyana Vakarelska...electricity market operated mainly at regulated prices, covering roughly half of the electricity transactions in the country. The Rules on...

Cars in city centers are a thing of the past
Jan Cipiur...the resolution of the City Council of the Warsaw forcing drivers to provide their registration number was issued in violation...

Polish cities begin to fight for fleeing residents
Magdalena Krukowska...found across the whole peninsula. However, the problem of the dwindling number of permanent residents is not restricted to holiday...

High cost of European Union’s climate policy
Jacek KrzemińskiThe prices of electricity in Poland have been rising rapidly for quite some time. The rising costs of electricity are...