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Round-Up of Holiday Spending Surveys, Reports
...$390 on Christmas gifts this holiday season, down from last year’s estimate of $418, The Conference Board reports today. The...

Offshore wind farms are necessary for the energy industry
Tomasz Świderek...Birol, the Executive Director of the Paris-based International Energy Agency (IEA). Gigawatts of growth Today electricity is produced in offshore...

Bulgaria starts IBEX and completes its energy market liberalization
Rumyana Vakarelska...licensed to operate an organized power exchange and day-ahead market in electricity. Opening the electricity market About a third of the...

Investment in trees yields pretty good returns
Jan trees along the city’s major streets. Meanwhile, the municipal authorities are increasingly frequently planting more mature trees that are...

Polish cities begin to fight for fleeing residents
Magdalena Krukowska...found across the whole peninsula. However, the problem of the dwindling number of permanent residents is not restricted to holiday...

Cars in city centers are a thing of the past
Jan Cipiur...the resolution of the City Council of the Warsaw forcing drivers to provide their registration number was issued in violation...

Energy revolution: a problem or a path to brighter future?
Jacek Krzemiński...restarted even after the electricity supply was restored — the newer models required an upload of software. Without electricity we...

Alone in debts
...the recent increase in violent crime in the city is legitimate cause for concern that the “bad old days” of...

Not So Good
Michael Panzner...Cyber Monday Up Next” (USA Today) Buyers are expected to log in for online sales on Cyber Monday. Retail sales...

Important projects still beyond participatory budgets
Piotr Aleksandrowicz...municipalities, city mayors or councillors. At the same time, one gets the impression that information on the PBs, procedures, projects...