Artykuły zawierające hasło: VIPREG2024 1x bet bonus code Lesotho

Poland as the largest hauler in the EU road transport
Wojciech Mroczek...dominate in transport between Poland and EU countries Polish haulers clearly dominate in bilateral carriage of goods between Poland and...

Fight for the new Ukrainian Tax Code
Wołodymyr Kuchar...Kiribati 10 Belarus 183 Most of the CIS countries have adopted their tax codes. In Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Turkey taxes...

Pod presją nadzoru i akcjonariuszy banki tną bonusy
Tomasz Świderek...ścinają bonusy nawet o 20 proc. Credit Suisse obniża pulę pieniędzy przeznaczoną na premie o 20 proc. Citigroup tnie bonusy bankierów inwestycyjnych...

Zagrożone bonusy
Jan Cipiur...r. Kodeks Wynagrodzeń (Renumeration Code). Zasadnicze jego rozwiązania polegają na obowiązku rozłożenia wypłat premii lub bonusów na kilka lat, na...

Lepszy dostęp do Internetu silnie pobudza gospodarkę
Jan CipiurJeszcze lepiej wypadamy, gdy tzw. bonus szerokopasmowy ( dalej: broadband bonus ) zostaje skorygowany o czynnik jakości. W przypadku Internetu o jakości...

Stressing the European stress tests
Jordi Molins...perspective, €3.5bn is the bonus pool of a few big European banks. Can anybody believe that with an additional recapitalization of...

Convergence rates of the EU countries
Vedran Obućina...model and beta convergence as a basis for the analysis of regional convergence. There are two concepts of convergence: β (beta)...

The struggle for strong authentication
Grzegorz Hansen...would be in force from October next year, which would give around 9 months of a transitional period between the date...

The Russia-China agreement is a warning for the EU
Kamil SmogorzewskiThe recently completed negotiations on a trade agreement between the Eurasian Economic Union and the People’s Republic of China is a clear...

How stable are the Balkans?
Jan Muś...relation between the relevant parties. The issues are actually losing their “vital” character and are being “downgraded” to the “normal”...