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Ile płacą miasta by być bardziej znane
Katarzyna Kozłowska...budżetu (np. w części wydatków promocyjnych, w części wydatków na kulturę itd.). W ramach budżetu promocyjnego na pewno można wyodrębnić kilka rodzajów...

Fight for the new Ukrainian Tax Code
Wołodymyr Kuchar...local elections. His newly formed party needs a potent driving mechanism which could have been provided by promoting the Tax Code....

Shadow banking, or who is a bank and who is just pretending
Witold Gadomski...Reliable Firm) programme. PHU PROMOTOR has been sold to the Promotor-Finanse company. The latter offered investment opportunities yielding a return of...

Complex regulations for the most difficult bank situations
Jacek Ramotowski...This will certainly affect its profitability. The Polish act on the Bank Guarantee Fund, the system of deposit guarantees and...

Tydzień w gospodarce
...when comparing the average interest rate on annual deposits. According to the data of NBP (Narodowy Bank Polski), such deposits...

Poor outlook for the Russian oil industry
Wiktor Ross...funds necessary for the development of the oil deposits where production is more costly. Oil&gas companies currently pay 68 per...

Croatian banks in 2018: rise in profits, but fall in operative business
Vedran Obućina...of deposit money, given that savings and time deposits fell in annual terms on a yearly basis. Demand deposits, which include...

The current economic situation is favorable for Polish banks
Jacek Ramotowski...working capital loans, as well as in household and corporate deposits. Over the course of one month the Pengab forecast...

In Poland an interest rate hike would expand credit risk
Jacek Ramotowski...struggle for deposits. At a time when the average interest rate on deposits with maturity of up to two years was...

Banks have to find new funds
Jacek Ramotowski...the periods of deposits, the prolongation of a 6-month deposit up to 12 months is of marginal significance for the stability...