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Ile płacą miasta by być bardziej znane
Katarzyna Kozłowska...budżetu (np. w części wydatków promocyjnych, w części wydatków na kulturę itd.). W ramach budżetu promocyjnego na pewno można wyodrębnić kilka rodzajów...

Latvia, was the austerity worth it?
Jan Cieński...for the crisis-stricken eurozone. Leszek Balcerowicz puts Latvia in with his BELLs countries – Bulgaria, Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia –...

Fight for the new Ukrainian Tax Code
Wołodymyr Kuchar...local elections. His newly formed party needs a potent driving mechanism which could have been provided by promoting the Tax Code....

Are Baltic states still Baltic tigers?
Michał Kowalczyk...difference in prices of food and non-alcoholic beverages between Latvia and the United Kingdom than between Latvia and Poland, despite...

Good figures for Latvia
Jan Darasz...the previous forecast of 3 per cent for Latvia and Lithuania and 2.5 per cent for Estonia Furthermore, Latvia is...

Latvia’s AML scandals pushes the country away from Russia
Filip Brokeš...done with Latvia. Although a pro-Russia party won the most votes in Latvia’s general election, a thaw in relations between the two...

Full text: Ben Bernanke’s Speech at the Economic Club of Indiana
...Club of Indiana earlier today. Five Questions about the Federal Reserve and Monetary Policy Good afternoon. I am pleased to...

The Baltic States, A Model of Austerity or a One-Off?
Annabelle Chapman...2013 figure of 0.8% (Lithuania and Latvia’s were better, at 4.1% and 3.4%). And unemployment, which peaked in Latvia at...

Latvian employment and salaries
Jan DaraszThe latest Latvian figures show Latvian unemployment rates are still above the EU rate. However, salaries increased in all Baltic...

Latvia behind Baltic neighbors in exports and imports
Jan Darasz...EUR20.52bn, Estonian at EUR10,89bn and Latvian at EUR9.43bn, the Baltic Course reported. In percentage terms, however, Latvia exported 74 per...