A common claim—made by a certain Internet troll who puts up an economics blog at nyt.com some years after he won the Nobel Prize—is that partisanship in Washington came on with Rep. Newt Gingrich’s Republican...
Ben Bernanke’s memoir of the Great Recession, a book called The Courage to Act, is out. In summarizing the book’s argument in an article the other day, Bernanke made several claims of fact that purport to justify...
The Federal Reserve’s annual Jackson Hole retreat last week was a strange exercise. The theme was “inflation dynamics.” Yet the Fed’s measures of inflation have shown no dynamics, only statics, for years. Fed...
John Paulson, the hedge-fund manager who rode the housing bust for a tremendous profit in his “big short,” recently announced that he was endowing the Harvard school of engineering with a gift of $400 million....
Od upadku systemu z Bretton Woods im bardziej polityka pieniężna była klasyczna, czyli zachowująca wymienialność pieniędzy na surowce, tym lepiej funkcjonowała gospodarka. Pieniądz powinien wkrótce powrócić do...
In 2011, the state of Utah passed a law banning taxes on the use of gold and silver coins as currency and permitting residents to remit state taxes in these coins. Big deal, you might say. That’s already in the...
“Supply-side economics needs a 21st-century update” went a post at the American Enterprise Institute’s blog the other day, challenging the assurance from the Cato Institute’s Dan Mitchell that no, it...
The immigration crisis on the U.S.-Mexico border these days is an odd one. Adherents of the party of free-enterprise, the Republicans, are opposed to the migration of free labor across the border, arguing that agents of the...
Houston, Texas sure is entering a golden era. It seems that everyone is moving to the town (the nation’s fourth biggest) these days. The largest construction project in the nation is just north of the city,...
Last week, the House Financial Services Committee held hearings on Federal Reserve reform. Maybe the Fed could explicitly follow monetary policy rules, or become subject to conventional audits, or be the subject of...