More tourists coming to Bulgaria each year, with Poland one of the top nations to choose the place as a holiday destination.
The British Prime Minister David Cameron is struggling to move the debate on BREXIT among the members of his own cabinet ahead of the EU Council in February, a state of affairs that is making him become an opposition in his...
For the first time in the history of the United Nations (UN), all member countries will be able to apply for the Secretary General job and Bulgaria has not one, but potentially two suitable candidates.
Bulgaria finally plans to build Kozloduy 7, a new nuclear reactor at the Kozloduy nuclear plant. The decision was announced by the Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov during his visit to China.
By launching Independent Energy Exchange Bulgaria completes the last stage of its energy market liberalization, as required by the European Union.
Bulgaria can be a door opener for Turkey’s EU accession, said Bulgarian PM Boyko Borissov during the visit of Ahmet Davutoglu, his Turkish counterpart, in Sofia.
David Cameron’s EU tour on British demands ahead of the country’s EU referendum might have helped him to understand better the ‘stay-in’ rather than ‘leave’ supporters and lobbyists.