Obserwator Finansowy features views and analysis of economy in Poland and other countries, written by some of the best journalists, economists and analysts. Our mission is to share knowledge of economics and financial markets in the world.
Obserwator Finansowy is a project under aegis of the Poland’s central bank, Narodowy Bank Polski. We have published thousands of articles about the Polish and global economy. Our journalists have conducted hundreds of interviews with Nobel laureates, distinguished economists, business leaders and politicians with views across the political spectrum.
In this section you can find selected articles in English.

Audit to reveal Credit Union secrets
Krzysztof MaciejewskiSeveral days ago, Credit Unions (Polish: SKOK) have been covered by supervision of the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (PFSA). Within the next three months, Unions’ financial statements will be examined by statutory...

Banks have to find new funds
Jacek RamotowskiFor most banks loans from parent banks are the cheapest form of loan funding. The crisis has dried out that source, however, so banks have to devise new methods to raise the necessary capital – claims Andrzej Topiński,...

Off-budget vehicle by the BGK aroused a lot of interest in The City
Jan CieńskiWhen Prime Minister Donald Tusk addressed parliament last week he was speaking to a much wider audience than just the deputies sitting in front of him and the national public – key recipients of his message were the...

Shadow banking, or who is a bank and who is just pretending
Witold GadomskiThe collapse of Amber Gold has generated a number of calls for liquidating parabanks or bringing them, on a mandatory basis, within the scope of oversight. However, identifying financial institutions that are not subject to...

The road to hell is paved with good intentions
Krzysztof NędzyńskiIf Warren Buffet failed to fix the compesation system at Salomon Brothers, how can one expect government bureaucrats can regulate bonuses in banking? How to compensate is one of the toughest issues to solve in every...