
Obserwator Finansowy features views and analysis of economy in Poland and other countries, written by some of the best journalists, economists and analysts. Our mission is to share knowledge of economics and financial markets in the world.

Obserwator Finansowy is a project under aegis of the Poland’s central bank, Narodowy Bank Polski. We have published thousands of articles about the Polish and global economy. Our journalists have conducted hundreds of interviews with Nobel laureates, distinguished economists, business leaders and politicians with views across the political spectrum.

In this section you can find selected articles in English.

Automatic financial advice is knocking at our doors

Krzysztof Waliszewski

The pandemic will not change consumers behavior

Ewa Rzeszutek

Europe has the best digital quality of life

Filip Brokeš

Large banks in Poland are investing in advanced technologies

Maciej Danielewicz

The Polish road to 5G

Tomasz Świderek

Larger homes, smaller offices – the real estate after the pandemic

Dariusz Rostkowski

Digital exclusion increasingly more painful

Mirosław Ciesielski

If the bureaucracy wants to be innovative, it has to be smart

Sebastian Stodolak

The pandemic could change “Big Pharma” for good

Sebastian Stodolak

The coronavirus pandemic as a test for start-ups

Mirosław Ciesielski