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Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke Interview with Diane Sawyer
Edward Harrison...ironclad, that’s– CHAIRMAN BERNANKE: No– we– we’ve never– issued a guarantee. We’ve said very clearly that that’s our best estimate, that–...

We already are in another Great Depression
Steve Keen...But that could take something like 20 years. You’ve also suggested that it could take a rising level of violence. The...

Stressing the European stress tests
Jordi Molins...and LGD of 70% for that portfolio (as such, total losses around 50%), would immediately increase (without taking into account...

Plosser: A Limited Central Bank
Edward Harrison...improved to better fulfill that role. President Plosser proposes four limits on the central bank that would limit discretion and...

Trade has never been freer than it is today
Sebastian Stodolak...only in the 1970s, that is, after the previous opening that gave Korea an impulse for growth. What’s more, Korean...

Review: How My Ten Surprises for 2012 Fared
Edward Harrison...landing. The sub-50 manufacturing PMI prints tell you that. But, it was such a short episode that it wasn’t that hard...

Economic freedom means development
Maria Bnińska...efficiency (business freedom, labor freedom, and monetary freedom); and Market openness (trade freedom, investment freedom, and financial freedom). According to...

For culture internet is the same what the printing press used to be
Sebastian 2012 that figure reached 400,000! About 50,000 new music tracks were released in 1988, while in 2007 their number...

Full text: Ben Bernanke’s Speech at the Economic Club of Indiana
...well. What’s the Relationship between Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy? That brings me to the second question: What’s the relationship...

We are paying for free entertainment with lower productivity
Maciej Jaszczuk...paradox therefore expresses the dissonance between what people infer from their own experience and what is indicated by the data....