Artykuły zawierające hasło: VIPREG2024 1xbet promocode Slovenia

Slovenia turns to imports of beer to satisfy local demands
Vedran ObućinaThe average citizen of Slovenia consumes 26 liters of beer per year. According to Slovenian state statistics institute published on...

Slovenia wants to have the second unit at its NPP
Vedran Obućina...and we will feel its absence very soon,” said Slovenian PM Marjan Šarec. Slovenian energy mix A third of the...

Draghi’s Another Headache – threatened independence of Slovenia’s Central Bank
Tom Hashimoto, Jure Stojan...a macroeconomic observatory for Central and South-east Europe, and retains authority over banking supervision in Slovenia alongside the ECB. As Slovenia...

Slovenia sells 50 per cent of NLB bank
Vedran Obuć for these loans, the EC said. The Slovenian news agency STA reported that the new package also obliged Slovenia...

Slovenia and Croatia in race to solar power
Jo Harper...release. The EBRD noted that its country strategy for Slovenia is also aligned with the government’s Slovenia development strategy 2030...

Ukrainian takeover of Slovenian Perutnina Ptuj
Vedran Obuć take over the Slovenian company Perutnina Ptuj, one of the leading Slovenian poultry producers. Finally, Ukrainians were the winners....

OECD urges Slovenia to tackle labor market bottlenecks and push privatization
Jo Harper...Labor Force Survey, Slovenia’s unemployment rate in the Q4’16 was 8.1 per cent. Fitch gives Slovenia bill of health In...

Agrokor or the giant in the Balkans
Jan Muś...into a nice afternoon breeze.” Systemic importance or Lex Mercator in Slovenia Mercator is the largest employer in Slovenia. It provides...

Elan goes to Finns with new expectations for winter sports production
Vedran Obućina...success of Slovenian ski jumpers. The number of employees in Elan increased to around 800, according to a Slovenian press agency...

Prices of basic food and agricultural products in CSE
Michał Kowalczyk...Rep. for a liter of milk. Milk is most expensive in Bulgaria (EUR0.97), Slovenia (EUR0.86) and Romania (EUR0.84). The lowest prices...