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The revival of the railway
Jacek Krzemiński...PKP Intercity, state-owned, the largest carrier operating on such routes. The number of its passengers increased by 11 per cent...
Energy providers want money for energy and for the capacity to generate it
Maciej Szczepaniuk...restrictions to the flow of electricity, are numbered. As a result of the economic crisis both demand for and prices of...
In cities we need smart, not utopian, ideas
Magdalena Krukowska...the air. That’s why Copenhagen is another city leading the rankings, especially those concerning ecology. The city is free from...
Europe’s car sharing cities of tomorrow
Filip Brokeš “The city’s official 2020 development strategy regarding the renovation of the city center cites improving traffic systems as a top...
There’s no escape from megacities
Piotr Rosik...develop, such as those in China today. An example is the megacity Hong Kong — Shenzhen — Guangzhou, where today...
Nord Stream 2 is a test of European solidarity
Jerzy Rutkowski...per cent of trans-mission capacity) and 23.6 billion m3 in 2013 (44.2 per cent of transmission capacity). In 2014 the...
iPhone zniszczył konkurentów, ale czy na zawsze
Tomasz Świderek...Insights, Apple w 2015 roku miał sprzedać 100 mln iPhone. W Europie pierwszy model iPhone zadebiutował 7 listopada 2007 roku i był...
Participatory budgeting or pocket money for voters
Piotr Aleksandrowicz...The silently growing debt of Polish cities Residents of a city are not asked if they wish that their city incur...
High cost of European Union’s climate policy
Jacek KrzemińskiThe prices of electricity in Poland have been rising rapidly for quite some time. The rising costs of electricity are...
Polish cities are depopulating
Bartosz Turek...the next 35 years, be delivering the same number of homes and apartments as in the recent years. Our estimates,...