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The European Union at 60: Its future might be brighter than many expect
Ireneusz Paweł Karolewski, Roland improve the cooperation between their states, while the anti-European populists may find better conditions to further expand their influence...
Expressways as investment priority
Konrad Majszyk...between Olsztynka and Miłomłyn, as well as between Nidzica and Napierki will be built; in the south, a Radom express ring...
Premie mogą znowu skłonić banki do nadmiernego ryzyka
Jan Cipiur...przez dwie dekady banki przyzwyczajały się do szybkich i coraz większych zysków z krótkoterminowych operacji oraz do wypłat stale rosnących premii i bonusów...
Ograniczanie bonusów powoduje wzrost płac szefów banków
Jacek Ramotowski...Nowy argument w sporze o bonusy Tak jak przepisy o ograniczeniu bonusów w Dyrektywie CRD IV, tak i kryteria proponowane przez EBA wzbudziły falę krytyki....
Industry 4.0 could bring Poland additional USD4.8bn
Marek PielachIn the report entitled “Digitalization Productivity Bonus: Sector Insights” this amount has been called the “productivity bonus resulting from digitization”....
The European Economic Area opens an opportunity to the United Kingdom
Witold such a hefty price. “The negotiations on the new relationship between the United Kingdom and the European Union will not...
Estonia is the most innovative country in the CSE
Maria BnińskaThis year’s European Innovation Scoreboard shows that the EU’s innovation performance is getting better at a steady pace. It has been...
Normalization of Serbia and Kosovo relations is through trade
Vedran ObućinaEconomic cooperation between Serbia and Kosovo is a missing link. It is an important instrument for establishing normal relations between...
Digital inequality deepens economic inequality
Tomasz ŚwiderekThe distance between the leaders and the laggards is growing as well. That means that the differences between countries in...
Można ocenić, które firmy przepłacają swoich prezesów
Jan CipiurW poważnych korporacjach już od dawna nie rozdziela się premii, a właściwie bonusów „po uważaniu”. Wszędzie obowiązuje lepszy lub gorszy system....