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Competition, Monopoly and Regulation
...In a free market, the following constitute some of the ways an abusive firm is disciplined: Free entry–the fact that another...
Stiglitz tęskni za Ameryką tradycyjnych wartości
Mariusz ŚwietlickiBiorąc do ręki nową książkę Josepha Stiglitza „Freefall. Free Markets and the Sinking of the Global Economy”, czułem lekki niepokój....
The struggle for strong authentication
Grzegorz those that already have experience in conducting business in conditions of relative freedom in this field (lack of regulation,...
Queuing for Ukrainian agricultural land
Michał Kozak...extended several times, and the Ukrainian land code amendment of 2012 assumed that it would remain in force until January...
The budgetary costs of election promises
Witold Gadomski...Minister, the tax free amount was set at PLN8,000. There are over 24 million taxpayers paying their taxes according to...
Debata w USA: ideologia, półprawdy i start-up Romneya
Obserwator Finansowy...Free Exchange – blog tygodnika The Economist czy noblista Paul Krugman), kandydaci raczej trwali w swoich narracjach, niż odpowiadali na pytania....
Tydzień w gospodarce
...season, the situation in the food market may deteriorate dramatically. Arkadiusz Słomczyński — Tax Freedom Day 6 days earlier than...
Lessons from Down Under
...Zealand tariff rate is a mere 2.0 percent—virtually unilateral free trade. In fact, most imports now enter the country completely free...
Klin podatkowy wrogiem pracujących kobiet
Łukasz Ruciński...pracy Stara Unia osiągnęła już w 1999 r., i od pory systematycznie go zwiększa. Dobrodziejstwo urynkowionej sprzątaczki Richard B. Freeman i Ronald Schettkat,...
Two-speed Europe will save the EU
Anna Patrycja Czepiel...national purse. How? Countries will have greater possibilities to introduce free-market changes, which will make people richer. Not all actions...