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Alone in debts
...up nearly 22 percent in 2010, compared with the same period last year. Shootings are up in the city, to...
Polish cities begin to fight for fleeing residents
Magdalena Krukowska...The GUS data show that in 2013 city residents accounted for over 71 per cent of emigrants, which is not...
Participatory budgeting or pocket money for voters
Piotr Aleksandrowicz...became laden with populist ideology according to which citizens were thus granted the right to govern their city; it was...
Where to live and work in Central and Southeast Europe?
Michał Kowalczyk...the city center. Average price per square meter in the Czech capital city amounts to EUR1,964, while it is EUR1,706...
Tydzień w gospodarce
...dane Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego (GUS). Jak podał we wstępnym szacunku GUS, deficyt sektora instytucji rządowych i samorządowych w 2021 r. wyniósł 1,8...
Banks in the age of digitization
Mirosław implement fully functional open platforms could be by offering a number of non-financial services (so-called value-added services) within the banking...
Grappling with unemployment in the dark. It does not need to be that way
Jan, that is a situation where all or nearly all labour market services are contracted and commissioned to private entities, is...
Central Europe is rising fast
Ignacy Morawski...happened for the first time since the mid-1990s. At the same time, exports of services are growing fast, with higher...
In cities we need smart, not utopian, ideas
Magdalena Krukowska...plant generating electricity from concentrated solar energy and deep-sea drilling aimed at using thermal waters for the simultaneous cooling and...
Internet banking will expand due to #StayAtHome
Mirosława Kaczmarek...and potential online banking users among individuals with information skills. Among individuals using computer networks, online banking services are used...