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Convergence rates of the EU countries
Vedran Obućina...real-world per capita countries between 10 and 20 per cent lower than the EU average. Poland, Slovenia, Slovakia, Greece, Estonia,...

MF: Deficyt budżetu po czerwcu wyniósł 69,9 mld zł
Polska Agencja Prasowa...programu „Rodzina 800+” – od 1 stycznia 2024, wysokość świadczenia wychowawczego wzrosła z 500 zł do 800 zł. „W zakresie dotacji...

Dezinflacja nawet przy wyższym PKB
Marek żywność od kwietnia 2024 r. oraz całkowite odmrożenie cen energii elektrycznej i gazu od III kwartału 2024 r. Oznaczałoby to...

MF: Deficyt budżetu wyniósł po listopadzie 141,8 mld zł
Polska Agencja Prasowa...578 752,5 mln zł, a wydatki wyniosły 720 587,9 mln zł. W okresie styczeń–listopad 2024 r. dochody budżetu państwa wyniosły ok....

China wants to force closer ties with Ukraine
Michał labor. The average wage in Chinese cities of USD 1,000 is currently five times higher than the amount seen...

How stable are the Balkans?
Jan Muś...relation between the relevant parties. The issues are actually losing their “vital” character and are being “downgraded” to the “normal”...

Plosser: A Limited Central Bank
Edward Harrison...improved to better fulfill that role. President Plosser proposes four limits on the central bank that would limit discretion and...

A single law can free the economy. Not for long, though
Sebastian people to be free and independent. That is why they limit freedom. – The system in which officials and...

Businessmen and the War of Ideas
...time, “By the age of 18, the average kid has seen businessmen on TV attempt over 10,000 murders.” It doesn’t...

The great demolition of the gas monopoly is taking off
Maciej Szczepaniuk...including Poland, restricts the free flow of gas between these countries as well as prevents diversification of supplies, i.e. gas...