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Tydzień w gospodarce
...season, the situation in the food market may deteriorate dramatically. Arkadiusz Słomczyński — Tax Freedom Day 6 days earlier than...
The budgetary costs of election promises
Witold Gadomski...Minister, the tax free amount was set at PLN8,000. There are over 24 million taxpayers paying their taxes according to...
Two-speed Europe will save the EU
Anna Patrycja Czepiel...national purse. How? Countries will have greater possibilities to introduce free-market changes, which will make people richer. Not all actions...
The single market is difficult for services
Witold Gadomski...or Make use of the free movement of services. They were free to choose between these two freedoms. Posted workers...
Lessons from Down Under
...Zealand tariff rate is a mere 2.0 percent—virtually unilateral free trade. In fact, most imports now enter the country completely free...
Putin has no long-lasting economic strategy for Russia
Sebastian market economy, while during his rule, Russia continuously departs from this concept. Why didn’t he follow your advice? The...
Klin podatkowy wrogiem pracujących kobiet
Łukasz Ruciński...pracy Stara Unia osiągnęła już w 1999 r., i od pory systematycznie go zwiększa. Dobrodziejstwo urynkowionej sprzątaczki Richard B. Freeman i Ronald Schettkat,...
Debata w USA: ideologia, półprawdy i start-up Romneya
Obserwator Finansowy...Free Exchange – blog tygodnika The Economist czy noblista Paul Krugman), kandydaci raczej trwali w swoich narracjach, niż odpowiadali na pytania....
The great demolition of the gas monopoly is taking off
Maciej Szczepaniuk...prices. According to its experts, the revolution requires the implementation of the “4 freedoms” package, which includes the freedom of...
Full text: Ben Bernanke’s Speech at the Economic Club of Indiana “to promote an interest in, and enlighten its membership on, important governmental, economic and social issues.” I hope my...