Artykuły zawierające hasło: how
Higher taxes are not the right way to achieve a balanced budget
Sebastian Stodolak...were implemented in the years 1978-2014 in 16 OECD member states. I understand, however, that you want to talk about...
Instytucje publiczne w Europie zaczynają wspierać fintechy
Magdalena Węsierska-Wieczorek...nowopowstającym start-upom, a także stworzenie jednolitych warunków i regulacji dla fintechów z i spoza Unii. Nadzorcy unijni i krajowy zdają sobie sprawę, że rozwój fintechów...
Polish companies have plenty of space to increase their margins
Marek Pielach...the design or closer to the final customer. However, I do not undertake an assessment of how to do it...
Poland is a matured and affluent European economy
Maria Bniń but how to stimulate and trigger investments. How do we make Poland more attractive to both foreign and domestic...
A jubilee week of central banking in Poland and abroad
Karol Rogowicz, Paweł Kowalewski...However, the situation was much worse with regard to inflation, which continued to fluctuate around per cent despite the central...
Two-speed Europe will save the EU
Anna Patrycja Czepiel...Europe is something terribly bad. However, the idea of a “two-speed Europe” should be viewed positively. Generally, in certain aspects of...
Innovation is created from private capital
Piotr Rosik...regulations, the strategic commitments. Despite this, however, I believe that the overall balance is positive. Could you provide an example...
We must hope that Ukraine will regain its economic strength
Jiří Rusnok...ruthless actions of Russian troops decimating Ukrainian territory. We can still only estimate from TV footage how much aid will...
The road to hell is paved with good intentions
Krzysztof Nędzyń, unsurprisingly characterized by long waiting lines for doctors, procedures. Quebec government also decided that they must then determine how...
PIMCO’s El-Erian: QE3 won’t produce the outcomes we want
Edward you invest.” On where he sees the most market impact: „First, it is not just risk. It is also...