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More gazelle companies in Europe
Obserwator Finansowy...2017, the number of such companies in that country increased by nearly 57 per cent. Meanwhile, in Slovenia their number...
Electromobility will boost the economy
Magdalena Krukowska...compared with a scenario in which the structure of vehicle types remains the same as it is today. The authors of...
Holidays are good for the economy
Krzysztof Kutwa...days of absence. If we multiply this number of days by the average daily GDP per worker for each quarter,...
The Warsaw Stock Exchange is fighting for scale and liquidity
Jacek Ramotowski...take place from Monday to Friday, and the underlying market for futures contracts will be the Day-Ahead Market for electricity....
Missing Samuel Tilden
Lawrence W. ReedIf you’re under 50 you probably don’t remember when telephone “numbers” weren’t all numbers. From the 1920s until the mid-1960s...
Bulgarian tourism boost, performance could improve
Rumyana city, and Plovdiv, the second largest city, also a European cultural capital in 2017, are also getting bigger numbers due...
Print books and e-books do not cannibalize each other
Agnieszka Janas...or simply entered the possibility of such activity during registration. The number of distributors is increasing. Even though the number...
The green energy boom continues
Tomasz Świderek...are falling clearly below the average. An installation in Dubai with a capacity of 200 MW is selling electricity for USD58.5...
Review: How My Ten Surprises for 2012 Fared
Edward Harrison...a hard number for it as a result; China does annual growth rates. Anyway, most observers of China’s economy believe the numbers...
Russia: poverty rate jumps
Martyna Kośka...for unexpected expenses, the same number – for a rainy day. These two categories go down to one thing: people want...