Artykuły zawierające hasło: how
Innovation is created from private capital
Piotr Rosik...regulations, the strategic commitments. Despite this, however, I believe that the overall balance is positive. Could you provide an example...
The problematic design of the bank tax in Romania
Patrycja Beniak...taxes have caused controversy. However, these controversies were particularly intense in relation to the bank tax. This was due to...
Poland can take care of investors’ confidence
Krzysztof Stępień...enough to have a significant stake if the remaining shareholders are passive. However, it is possible to imagine regulations forming a kind...
Poland is not ready for robotization
Marcin Jendrzejczak...impossible for Poland to avoid an increase in budgetary burdens resulting from the pensions crisis. The question remains, however, how...
Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke Interview with Diane Sawyer
Edward Harrison...and there’s no– there’s no covering up that fact. DIANE SAWYER: How will you know– how will we know when...
The Earth was created 5770 years ago at 6.00 PM
Krzysztof NędzyńskiObserwator Finansowy: How credible statistical measures of inflation are? Reuven Brenner: It depends on who is reading them and whether...
Green energy may develop without subsidies
Sebastian Stodolak...So why this catastrophic view? Roger Gifford: People do not realize how much has changed since the 1970s or 1980s...
Fintechy w regulacyjnych kleszczach
Łukasz rozwój nowych graczy na rynku finansowym. Jego zdaniem dla fintechów kluczowe są cztery aspekty: talenty (doświadczeni specjaliści z branży IT),...
Indirect costs in healthcare – an unlikely rationale for policy reform in Poland?
Piotr Ż funding. Most of these, however, have come from the private sector, chiefly the pharmaceutical industry. Perhaps the most consistent...
FIAT’s decision presages the end of an era of easy successes
Ignacy James Bond. Fiat’s difficult situation in Poland can, however, be subject to a more profound study and serve as a magnifying...