Artykuły zawierające hasło: MENBONUS 1X BET bonus code new user 2024 Bogura
Internet banking will expand due to #StayAtHome
Mirosława Kaczmarek...widest scope for expansion. There are new potential users In addition to a psychological barrier, lack of digital skills is a major...
Mission (im)possible: first home
Krystian Jaworski...480/1000 and in France ca. 500/1000. So we have one of the last places in Europe, together with e.g. Romania,...
Dezinflacja nawet przy wyższym PKB
Marek żywność od kwietnia 2024 r. oraz całkowite odmrożenie cen energii elektrycznej i gazu od III kwartału 2024 r. Oznaczałoby to...
MF: Deficyt budżetu po czerwcu wyniósł 69,9 mld zł
Polska Agencja Prasowa...programu „Rodzina 800+” – od 1 stycznia 2024, wysokość świadczenia wychowawczego wzrosła z 500 zł do 800 zł. „W zakresie dotacji...
Agrokor deal crucial to the future of the company
Vedran Obućina...cream producer Ledo, between EUR224-348m, agricultural-industrial company Belje, between EUR150-368m, and retail company Konzum, between EUR140-336m. A set of summarized...
Moldova on a minefield
Judyta October, with approx. 3,000 employees to be made redundant. A total of 2 million accounts that they hold will...
China’s investments: billions for a good start, and promises of more to come
Adam Kaliński...more proactive when it comes to the New Silk Road. Today, such voices are absent, and the newly launched fund...
Ukraine follows in Estonia’s footsteps
Michał Kozak...elements of the new system are not limited to the new tax base. They believe that the new tax will...
Bulgaria’s nuclear power commitment confirmed
Rumyana Vakarelska...the country already has an electricity surplus. New potential investor Westinghouse has suggested a Chinese investor for the potential new EUR10bn...
EU’s Generation X and online banking
Mirosława Kaczmarek...that in Romania, Bulgaria, Portugal and Poland, there are far fewer online banking users aged 45-55 than those aged 40-44....