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The economy of the future is leasing, not owning
Magdalena Krukowska...EUR2 in order to save EUR200 on a new engine. Today this is becoming increasingly impossible. Why? Corporations, especially those manufacturing...
Deals roll in as Polish auto market ups pace in early 2017
Jo Harper...and man-made materials. Combined, both directly and indirectly, the sector employs almost 800,000 people, nearly 6 per cent of all...
Banks in the age of digitization
Mirosław the company, 60 per cent of the users open this “super app” at least 10 times a day, and the...
The new Ukrainian labor code may result in another wave of emigration
Michał for a number of years, and according to official reports, new labor regulations will take effect in the 2020. Weaker...
The strikes in Hungary that did not take place
Dominik Héjj...about 200,000 vacancies on the market). On the other hand, it is also trying to persuade investors to engage in...
New strategies to change the Croatian wholesale and retail market
Vedran Obuć 100,000 steps (from data changes to labels, bar codes, cashier accounts, up to 250 software applications, transferring finance to...
Polish Development Fund ‒ on every topic
Jacek Ramotowski...a whole new economic boost through a strong local financial market, because in this way we could create approx. PLN15-20bn in new...
KE: podniosła prognozę wzrostu PKB Polski w ’24 do 2,8 proc.
Polska Agencja Prasowa...w dół i odzwierciedla niższą inflację w pierwszym kwartale 2024 r. oraz bardziej stopniowe odmrażanie cen energii w latach 2024-2025. Prognoza zimowa zakładała zaprzestanie...
The new EU budget: more funding, although difficult to obtain
Marek master the new keywords. The European Parliament will deal with a resolution specifying the Multiannual Financial Framework 2014 – 2020...
Energy revolution: a problem or a path to brighter future?
Jacek Krzemiński...1000 MW by October 2019 and could even reach 1500 MW by the end of 2019. Wind power generation is...