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Big-tech companies: competition for banks or new opportunities?
Milena Kabza...subsequently used to offer complementary services. This, in turn, results in greater user activity, which generates even more data. Some...
The role of central banks in protecting financial services’ consumers grows
Milena ensure the long-term sustainability of the global financial system. The supervisory and control bodies have thus strengthened the regulatory...
The decline in FDI in Poland is the result of structural changes
Marcin Humanicki, Krzysztof Makowski...increasing number of new investments are located in the services, in particular in the so-called modern business services (such as...
Online banking and Millennials’ internet life
Mirosława Kaczmarek...about products and services. Using this form of communication by banks should therefore be an obvious choice. Unlike people from...
Tydzień w gospodarce
...dane Głównego Urzędu Statystycznego (GUS). Jak podał we wstępnym szacunku GUS, deficyt sektora instytucji rządowych i samorządowych w 2021 r. wyniósł 1,8...
A Different Light
Michael Panzner...had believed the crisis lows for the composites were behind us, with the 10-City Composite originally hitting a low in April...
Wielka Brytania bez Unii nie zginie
Tomasz Gruszecki...jednym ze światowych centrów finansowych (hubs), Nowy Jork w USA, czy Hongkong i Singapur w Azji. City nie chce być jednak tylko regionalnym...
Decline in velocity is a problem
...number of times dollars are spent in the aggregate—which economists call velocity. In the simplest terms, velocity is the ratio...
We should buy gas in Romania and electricity in Bulgaria
Obserwator Finansowy...(in order to facilitate comparisons the Eurostat gives the prices of electricity and natural gas in the same units). In...
Croatia depends on the German wealth
Jan Muś Most of the revenue from services is the income from tourism. Guests from Germany for many years have by...