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Słońce zachodzi nad Murdochem
Hubert Sikorski...scenariuszy branych pod uwagę przez ekspertów i obserwatorów. Afera podsłuchowa z udziałem należącej do News Corp. redakcji News of The World, która...
Pracownicy wciąż poszukiwani
Robert Bombała...bezrobocia wyniosła w Polsce 5,0 proc., czyli tak jak w lipcu (w czerwcu wynosiło 4,9 proc.; w maju – 5,0 proc.; w kwietniu –...
Artificial intelligence will change the insurance industry
Regina Skibińska...decision-making processes – do not promote embracing new possibilities by insurers. The extensive legal regulations concerning the insurance sector are...
The European Union at 60: Its future might be brighter than many expect
Ireneusz Paweł Karolewski, Roland Benedikter...leaders of this trend. Euroscepticism has been marginal both among the Polish citizens and among the 800,000 Poles living in...
Baby Boomers are reluctant about online banking
Mirosława Kaczmarek...users of online banking. Poland is among the countries where the share of online banking users with such a profile is...
Online banking and Millennials’ internet life
Mirosława Kaczmarek...between 1980 and 1995, started entering adulthood already in the new millennium, which is why they are called the Millennials....
The new central bank digital currency
Milena intermediation, and promotes the emergence of new forms of money. This is a major challenge for the central banks....
Capital has a nationality, but we want to compete on foreign markets
Maciej Eckardt...took an old car and put in a new engine, new brakes and new upholstery. This is not the optimal solution...
Print books and e-books do not cannibalize each other
Agnieszka Janas...a 7 per cent increase compared to 2014. Out of this, 21,000 titles are new books – 12 per cent more...
MF: Deficyt budżetu po kwietniu wyniósł 39,9 mld zł
Polska Agencja Prasowa...od 1 stycznia 2024, wysokość świadczenia na dzieci wzrosła z 500 zł do 800 zł. Natomiast w zakresie dotacji przekazanej do FUS...