The CEE mergers and acquisitions market was worth EUR14.5bn in the H1’15, of which Poland accounted for EUR3.4bn.
In the countries of CSE region subsequent projects on construction of nuclear power plants have been unsuccessful. The question of the economic sense of their development in Poland recurs, including the on-going election...
The Czech Republic and Hungary are ahead of Poland in terms of advancement in highway construction, whereas expressways are being built at a similar pace.
The Polish government is not the most lavish one as far as attracting FDI is concerned. According to the latest report by the Polish Foreign Investment Agency, Poland has less incentives than Bulgaria and the Czech Republic but...
After a quarter century of effective economic change, the Czech Republic finds itself searching for a new growth model. Relative success, with per capita GDP nearly double compared to 1993 and households having 600% more in...
Istnieje spore ryzyko, że wkrótce posłowie PSL, którzy nawoływali do bojkotu Tesco będą musieli protestować przeciwko rosnącemu bojkotowi polskiej żywności w Czechach. Nie po raz pierwszy. Partia założona przez...
Petr Necas's determination to drive down the Czech Republic's budget deficit has been so strong that he sparked a political crisis which almost unseated his government and has many economists blaming him for the country's lengthy...
As far as the changes in pension system are concerned, we may learn the most from the Czechs and Slovaks. Surely, we should make every effort in order to prevent the government from nationalizing funds gathered in the second...