Pandemics are nothing new in the history of human kind. They differ from global economic crises in many ways. Any economic forecasts prepared during a pandemic, including those referring to the shortest possible periods of time,...
Economists in Ukraine warn that a “financial pyramid” based on government bonds posing a threat to the economy stands behind the positive macroeconomic indicators. Its adverse effects can already be felt.
Too much money is flowing to a small group of assets. The private and public debt overhang is too large. A new crisis could cost the world one third of the losses of the last one, claims the International Monetary Fund.
Written with Dr Alexander Mirtchev Debt, n.: An ingenious substitute for the chain and whip of the slavedriver.” — Ambrose Bierce, The Devil’s Dictionary In the year 1204, the doughty knights of the Fourth Crusade...
Bill White, formerly of the BIS and now with the OECD spoke to Bloomberg News during the KC Fed’s annual meeting in Jackson Hole, WY. He gave some rather pointed answers to questions about the Federal Reserve’s monetary...
„The National Product consists of paid activities- It is income generating activity transactions. In order for that to arise someone has to demand these activities. Someone has to pay in order for someone else to get paid....
Many commentators are upbeat about prospects for the coming year. Among other reasons, they believe that severe recessions are invariably followed by sharp rebounds, even though history suggests financial crisis-inspired...
Important questions to be asked by the end of 2009 What is your assessment of current economic situation in US? I AM FAIRLY OPTIMISTIC ABOUT SOLID GDP GROWTH NEXT YEAR BUT I AM CONCERNED ABOUT JOBS. I THINK THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE...
Te szokujące dane cytuje ekonomista i analityk Bert Dohmen. Jest to całkowity dług publiczny, zobowiązania gospodarstw domowych i zadłużenie przedsiębiorstw. Gdyby dodać jeszcze zobowiązania państwa z tytułu Social...
The Keynesian Kool-Aid drinkers keep insisting that big deficits and rapidly growing piles of public debt don’t really matter as long as there is „slack” in the economy. But they live in a fantasy world...