The low fertility rate and increasing life expectancy are factors that should be taken into account in future monetary policy. We should therefore expect a decline in natural interest rates.
According to the PwC report “Child tax credits and family benefits in the EU member states – 2017”, the value of family benefits in Poland is still beyond the EU average, but in relation to salaries Poland is the 4th among...
The working age population significantly decreased in the economies of Central and Southeast Europe due to the falling birth rate and emigration, which also caused a decline in the quality of human capital.
Polish employment agencies are recruiting for work in Germany as demographic trends and skill shortages are ruining the labor market, reported Puls Biznesu. Polish employment agency Work Service leads the new initiative.
Workers aged 50+ are the future of the Polish labor market. This is not an election campaign slogan, but an observation arising from the changing demographic situation.
Poland has a very low fertility rate, lower than the majority of European countries. There is a clear cultural difference – not so much in the level of wealth, but in the quality of life.
According to the forecasts of the Polish Central Statistical Office (GUS), by 2050 the population of Poland will decrease by about 4.5 million (to less than 34 million people). This outflow will affect the inhabitants of cities...
The Polish government hopes that after the introduction of the 500+ program, costing more than 1 per cent of GDP, it will be possible to increase Poland’s fertility rate.
One may have the impression that few months before the elections, Angela Merkel's government has no serious worries, especially in the light of 2012 economic indicators, published on 15 January by the German statistical office....