Digital technologies are becoming an important instrument for reducing the epidemic. Many governments, companies and societies are learning how to use them. The problem, however, is the lack of prior benchmarks which could be...
A large percentage of banks will have to face the threats resulting from the dynamic processes of digitization in conditions of a global economic crisis. This will force them to transform their traditional business models.
Croatian Minister of Economy Darko Horvat announced that this year the government will abolish more than 300 administrative processes that undermine entrepreneurs’ procedures and will save more than HRK600m.
Open banking, which allows customers to freely choose their financial service providers, constitutes a serious challenge for the banks which could easily lead them to squander their opportunities.
Croatia have to develop a new strategy for digitization of industry, public administration and the public sector, modernize the education system and increase investment in R&D.
At the end of July 2018, the Russian daily Kommersant informed about a draft of legislation that, if approved, would oblige smartphone and computer producers in Russia to pre-install domestically developed software and...
First there was the steam engine, then electricity, then automation, and now, increasingly, the internet and big data. The difficulty in the case of Poland is that the third industrial revolution still hasn't really settled in.
Digitization is the key to maintaining banks’ profitability in the coming years, and Poland is the CEE leader.
Poland should not treat digitization as something for the future or limit itself to supporting start-ups and technological clusters.