Since 1990, Poland has adopted almost all possible exchange rate regimes, starting with a fixed rate, through a crawling peg, and finally a free floating rate.
Russia’s second largest bank, VTB, came with a number of proposals for expanding the use of the Russian ruble in international financial settlements.
International investors treat emerging markets as one which often leads to the withdrawal of capital from these markets thus weakening the local currency.
The easing of the crisis suffered by the euro area for a few years reactivated the topic of our presence there. The awareness that without the euro adoption Poland would remain an insignificant EU player is increasing. The first...
Nobody disputes that almost three decades of U.S. trade (net saving) deficits have made the global system of finance and trade more accident-prone. Outstanding dollar debts have become huge, and threaten America’s own financial...
The exchange rate between the Euro and the U.S. dollar has been going through something of a roller coaster ride the last few years. After having strengthened from $1.18 in 1999 to $0.83 in 2002, the Euro then appreciated...
W USA koniec cięć podatkowych Busha oraz ogromne zadłużenie państwa może doprowadzić do kolejnego tąpnięcia gospodarczego - prognozuje ekspert, guru małego średniego biznesu John Mauldin. Według niego zabraknie też...