Fiscal policy in Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) is poorly coordinated with monetary policy, which doesn’t help the successful functioning of country's economy.
Poland was ranked 50th in terms of economic freedom, up by 7 places, in a poll carried out by the Heritage Foundation and Wall Street Journal (WSJ). According to experts, until the country makes a spectacular leap forward then...
Bardzo ważny temat w amerykańskiej blogosferze: fiscal cliff, czyli krawędź budżetowa. Stany Zjednoczone balansują właśnie nad czymś, co analitycy nazwali fiskalną przepaścią. Za 40 dni okaże się, czy w nią...
Wow! We see the word „Deflation” everywhere; we see it in every financial publication and hear it every time we turn on financial TV. We see that the pundits who were bearish because of runaway inflation have just...
Market old-timers (like me) have often said that the four most expensive words in the English language — or, on Wall Street, at least — are „this time is different.” Nevertheless, the phrase usually refers...
It’s become something of a mantra among U.S. investors: diversify overseas to boost returns and protect assets. In recent years, investing in foreign markets has been widely seen as a way to counter the risks...
The Keynesian Kool-Aid drinkers keep insisting that big deficits and rapidly growing piles of public debt don’t really matter as long as there is „slack” in the economy. But they live in a fantasy world...