With much of Europe (not just Greece, Spain and Portugal, but also for example Britain, France and Italy) engaging in fiscal austerity programms, one question that arises is what effect this will have on price inflation....
As I have argued, Ray Dalio also believes that inflation is not just around the corner…yet. In my view, consumer price inflation is cyclical and therefore not embedded, but deflation is secular. That makes a big difference...
President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych and President of Russia Dmitriy Medvedev agreed to apply a 30% discount to the price formula for gas imported to Ukraine from Russia. However, according to Astrum investment management...
“Government,” observed the renowned Austrian economist Ludwig von Mises, “is the only institution that can take a valuable commodity like paper, and make it worthless by applying ink.” Mises was...
Worries over the big budget deficit in Greece have steadily escalated in recent weeks, causing the yield spread between Greek and German bonds to exceed 300 basis points (3 percentage points). But how serious is this crisis...
The very surprising election of a Republican to replace Senator Edward Kennedy, who died, in Massachusetts, one of the most Democratic states in the United States, is an indication of the degree to which the American people...
The Managing Director of The International Monetary Fund (IMF) at a luncheon meeting today made the following remarks: The greatest danger to the world economy in the near future is that governments and central banks may...
Tak pesymistycznie na świat patrzy dziś The Big Picture. W podobny sposób sytuację gospodarczą ocenia Calculated Risk, pisząc wręcz o "straconej dekadzie". Obaj sprowokowani równie mało optymistycznym tekstem z...