Recent years have seen important changes in the payments landscape. Cash usage has been declining in many countries for some time, and this trend has accelerated during the pandemic.
For the last quarter century, the Polish economy has been an underappreciated success story – underappreciated certainly in my country, the United States. GDP per capita tells the tale.
The crisis caused by the coronavirus does not create favorable circumstances for changes in business operations. Most managers seek to maintain their current levels of activity and to limit the possible losses. But the crisis...
The results of a survey conducted by Poland’s central bank, NBP and the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (KKNF) show that large banks are investing heavily in technology and rapidly increase their competitive advantage,...
The expenditures on technology by banks are on the rise, although innovation is primarily gradual in nature and mostly focuses on improving the existing systems to include additional processes. The largest banks are implementing...
“We have become a victim to the mania of talking about innovation and have neglected other important areas of the economy, i.e. people who make the world go round but who do not invent new products,” says professor Lee Vinsel...
Monopolies using their market power to suppress competition and raise prices pose a genuine threat to GDP growth. They can hurt it as much as poor economic policy, says Professor Jonathan B. Baker from the American University...
Development depends on the economy's saturation with entrepreneurs who are motivated by the desire to creative new things, and not just to make a living for themselves. That is why the expansion of start-ups is so important.
As the only Central and Southeast (CSE) country Estonia moved from a position of a Moderate Innovator into a group of Strong Innovators in the European Innovation Scoreboard 2019 (EIS) prepared by the European Commission (EC).
Polish universities want to regain 107 Polish scientists working abroad as part of the first edition of the Polish Returns Program. The research teams they will build aim to create a new quality in the Polish science.