Nearly 100 per cent of companies in countries belonging to the OECD are small and medium enterprises. However, such companies usually operate in less favorable business conditions than the large ones.
Despite the increasingly robust growth of Poland’s economy, a real growth observed in wages and consumption, lending is picking up only moderately.
Ukrainian government plans to spend USD1.8bn on a program of massive reconstruction of Donbas, the war-torn region but it's hard to believe that the ruined region could be revived.
Belarus urgently needs a loan to meet its obligations. It is counting on aid from the International Monetary Fund (IMF). In September, experts from the IMF made a review of the reforms implemented by Minsk.
For most banks loans from parent banks are the cheapest form of loan funding. The crisis has dried out that source, however, so banks have to devise new methods to raise the necessary capital – claims Andrzej Topiński, Chief...