The Czech state-owned energy company ČEZ sold its assets in Romania. There are plans to sell also assets in Bulgaria, Turkey and Poland. The focus will be on the Czech Republic and modernization of the Czech energy...
Global FDI flows may decrease by up to 40 per cent in 2020 as a result of the pandemic. The entrepreneurs must first count the losses, assess the future demand, and above all, accumulate profits which ultimately finance most of...
The Central Bank of the Russian Federation sold its 50 per cent+1 share in Sberbank, Russia’s largest financial institution, to the Russian Finance Ministry. Although officially carried out to avoid conflict of interest, some...
According to CMS and EMIS report “Emerging Europe M&A 2019/20” in 2019 in Central and Southeast Europe M&A deal volume was the lowest in the decade, with only 1958 transactions (down 6.5 per cent), with a combined...
The mergers and acquisitions market in Romania revealed a significant growth in the Q2’19, compared to the Q1 and to the same period in 2018. According to Deloitte estimates, the total market value was between EUR1.4-1.6bn.
The increase in the value of merger and acquisition transactions announced in the world and in Europe in 2018 was also observed in the emerging markets of Europe.
In 2018, despite numerous turbulences, the M&A and IPO markets saw increases in the total value of transaction. According to experts, this year should still be good on both markets.
Dynamika zmian wartości zadłużenia sektora finansów publicznych w Polsce ma duży wpływ na kształtowanie poziomu aktywności na krajowym rynku fuzji i przejęć – udowadniają Przemysław Grobelny, Maciej Stradomski i...
Despite the increasingly unstable political environment, the CSE witnessed an upsurge in overall deal value of 12.5 per cent year on year reaching a total value of the EUR80.5bn in 2018, according to the latest report on M&A...
On January, the Czech online daily informed that the news platform merged with the news aggregator This merger is one of the latest manifestations of series of M&As on the Czech media market.