With the assistance of the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), Belarus has said it plans to improve the effectiveness of the national system of administration of state finances.
CE Financial Observer talks to Marek Belka, Governor of the Polish central bank NBP, about the future of the Polish economy, the role of the central bank and the situation in Central Europe.
Polish party leaders are forced by media to specify the costs of their election promises. A decade ago no one bothered. Polish democracy is maturing.
Announced by the European Central Bank, scheduled for September, targeted long term refinancing operations (TLTRO) will become one of important transmission mechanisms of monetary policy. The ECB hopes that they will restore the...
The reform of the pension system will only decrease the cost of debt servicing and the cost of refunding contributions – a total of PLN 9 billion. The government will not spend any more, as it pursues fiscal consolidation...
The administration in all countries is overdeveloped, ineffective and in debt. Many specialists believe that public sector should play a less significant role, also in the Polish economy. The key question is: what does the state...
Public debt is no longer a problem in the countries of the Central and south-eastern Europe. The main problem is that nothing is being done to improve investment climate and increase competitiveness. Poland needs structural...
Just as a mutation of a deadly virus, which cannot be cured with existing medicine, the financial crisis has shaken pillars of the economic system forcing policy makers to go beyond conventional responses for downturns.
Celowa Spółka Inwestycyjna (CSI), a special purpose company, is a provisional name of the company which is being created for the implementation of the government’s Polish Investments programme. Together with Bank Gospodarstwa...
On the one hand, State Treasury property slowly gains in value, on the other, public debt is mounting rapidly. As it seems, before long, public debt might exceed the value of State Treasury property. Debt increase is common...