I think that we are able to contain inflation by hiking interest rates. There is always very kind of… for a small open economy like Iceland, and Poland is to some extent too, also an open economy. The currency market...
Well, there is such a saying – the only constant thing in this world is change. And that’s how I also see this very broad question on globalisation. Even if nothing happened, even if we had no pandemic war against...
Maybe we have now got used to extremely low interest rates, but we have to keep in mind that these are not normal interest rates that we had in the past – says Boris Vujčić, the Governor of the Croatian National Bank. I would...
In fact, it’s only the central banks that can fight inflation in a proper manner and there is a lot of discussion going on all over the world and especially in Europe on how governments could address inflation. But by...
W handlu międzynarodowym będą decydować inne czynniki niż tylko minimalizacja kosztów. Będziemy się zastanawiać, kto i co produkuje oraz w jakich warunkach. Mam nadzieję, że to zbliży podobne do siebie kraje...
“Other factors will be decisive in international trade, not just cost minimisation. We will consider who produces and what, as well as in what conditions. I hope that this will bring similar countries closer to each other,”...
“Our measures are an attempt to limit secondary effects, so that – when the negative supply shocks disappear – inflation will also decline rapidly,” says Mārtiņš Kazāks, Governor of Latvijas Banka and member of the...
Nasze działania są próbą ograniczenia wystąpienia efektów wtórnych, aby – gdy negatywne szoki podażowe znikną – inflacja również spadła szybko – mówi Mārtiņš Kazāks prezes Banku Łotwy i członek Rady...
The summit of the Three Seas Initiative (TSI) in the Romanian capital Bucharest showed an important thing: the Initiative is not only economically interesting, it is turning into a serious project.
The Croatian Ministry of Environmental Protection and Energy announced the proposal of a special Liquefied Natural Gas Terminal Act, which would directly assign LNG Croatia's maritime concession to the floating LNG terminal.