Maybe I’m out of touch (after all, I am getting on in the years), but I seem to have an old-fashioned notion of what a „recovery” is. To me, it’s when private economic activity acquires...
Up until the turn of the century, the labor force participation rate (LFPR) — the percentage of the working-age population that is employed or seeking a job — fell or remained flat during those times when...
While America and many other Western countries suffer from high unemployment, unemployment declines rapidly in the world’s freest economy, Hong Kong. Compared to a year earlier, the unemployment rate has dropped from...
Financial crisis, which begun in 2007 is a textbook’s example of the recession. Home market downfall, structural debt and unemployment rate prove that. Prof. Carmen Reihardt, the author of This Time is No Different,...
We begin very optimistically with the story about the best mayor in Canada. She is 88 years old, she has been for 31 years in office and with 92 percent of the approval vote. It should not be surprising since she is convinced...
Although I’ve said it before, I still can’t believe that anybody is talking about economic „recovery” with a jobs market as bad as the one we have now. Aside from all the other data we’ve seen...
Why do Americans keep putting a negative spin on things? Why are they so anxious about the future when the bad news is, according to the experts, clearly behind them? Why are they so worried about their financial condition...
W 1996 roku w Hiszpanii bezrobocie sięgało 23 procent, a dług publiczny stanowił 70 procent PKB. Już osiem lat później Hiszpania wchodziła do strefy euro, a poziom bezrobocia spadł do 11 procent, inflacja...
Tino Sanandaji has an interesting post, where he points out that the share of national income (or total factor costs) going to labor is roughly the same in countries where labor unions are strong and in countries where unions are...
The past week has been full of economic events, such as: 1. The report of the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) on the budget outlook. 2. The president’s State of the Union address. 3. The defeat in the...