Komisja zaleca też podniesienie niektórych podatków. Ten raport stał się tematem debat ekonomistów. Dyskutują laureat nagrody Nobla, prof. Paul Krugman i prof. Greg Mankiw. Dołączyli do nich dr Felix Salmon i Ezra...
Up until the turn of the century, the labor force participation rate (LFPR) — the percentage of the working-age population that is employed or seeking a job — fell or remained flat during those times when...
In the latest edition of The Wall Street Journal’s „The Big Interview,” David Stockman, Ronald Reagan’s first Budget Director, doesn’t pull any punches when he discusses the damage that has been...
Robert Shiller puts the odds for a double dip recession at greater than 50%; so he is worried that we are headed back down again. I missed Robert Shiller’s Big Interview with the Wall Street Journal last month so I am...
Amerykański rząd wydał więcej pieniędzy na stymulację gospodarki niż wszystkie wydatki razem wzięte na I i II wojnę światową, wojnę w Korei, wojnę w Wietnamie, New Deal, plan Marshalla i lądowanie na księżycu....
When people talk about how Washington has helped its friends on Wall Street (and elsewhere) at the expense of the little guy, the discussion usually centers on taxpayer-funded bailouts and the various liabilities taken on by the...
Do you think more government spending helps economic growth or harms it? On Friday, the White House again increased its federal budget deficit forecast and reduced its economic growth forecast for 2011. It is abundantly clear...
Keynesian economists, reply to Carmen Reinhardt and Kenneth Rogoff on the threat of crossing a specific threshold in the ratio between government debt and GDP. Economic Policy Institute fellows criticize their simplifications and...
Although I’ve said it before, I still can’t believe that anybody is talking about economic „recovery” with a jobs market as bad as the one we have now. Aside from all the other data we’ve seen...
Although opinion polls have their flaws — among other things, people are fickle and don’t always mean or do what they say — they can be of some help in determining which way the economic winds are blowing. More...