Open content

Obserwator Finansowy website makes most of its publications available to the public. The open content licence authorizes anyone interested to reprint publications from Obserwator Finansowy. The licence also covers infographics credited.

The open content licence applies only to Obserwator Finansowy own texts commissioned by its editorial staff. The Open Licence does not include content in which Obserwator Finansowy holds no copyright, i.e. from the Polish Press Agency. Moreover, the open content licence does not include photographs published next to articles.

Reprinting articles is permitted from the 4th day after their original publication on the website. All commercial media are invited to use Obserwator Finansowy content. The right to republish our content is not subject to restrictions due to subscription, sales by copies or advertising in this medium.

All open content texts have an explicit notice above the article in question. The use of an article is permitted if the author’s surname and the source of origin of the article are provided. In addition, the „Open content” icon should be published in a visible place.

The icon should link to the website

Open content licence

  1. Definitions

Wherever used in the Licence, the following terms shall have the following meanings:

„Work” means any material published in the Obserwator Finansowy website marked with the notice: “Obserwator Finansowy. Open content”;

“Licence” means this open content licence;

“Licensor” means Narodowy Bank Polski;

“Author” means the author of the Work;

“Licensee” means a natural person, a legal person or an organisational unit using the Work under  these terms of the Licence.

  1. Granting the Licence

Subject to the terms of the Licence, after downloading the Work by the Licensee, the Licensor shall grant the Licensee a royalty-free, non-exclusive licence, with no time and territorial restrictions for non-commercial use of the Work in the following fields of exploitation:

a) recording and multiplication of the Work –  producing copies of the Work by means of  a specific method, including printing, reprographics, magnetic recording and digital technology;

b) dissemination of the Work – public performance, displaying, reproduction, and making the Work available to the public so that anyone can access the Work at the place and time selected.

The Licensor grants permission for technical modifications of the Work required because of  the media or the carrier by means of which the Work is disseminated.  The Licensor does not agree to any adaptation or alteration of the Work.

The Licensor grants permission for translating the Work into other languages.

The use of the Work under this Licence is permitted provided that information about the source of origin of the Work is published in a visible place in the form of a jpg. file: “ Open content. ” with a link to the detailed terms of the Licence, as follows: “” .

The use of the Work under these terms of the Licence is permitted only if the Licensee retains – in an unmodified form – all the notices related to the Work, in particular the author’s full name and the title of the Work.

  1. Restrictions

The right to use the Work is subject to the following restrictions:
a) the Licensee may not offer or impose any terms of use of the Work which may limit the terms of this Licence;
b) the Licensee may not grant sub-licences;
c) the Licensee may not alter or remove the notices related to the Work, including those referring to this Licence;
d) While using the Work, the Licensee may not use any means of protection, including technological ones, which would prevent access to the Work,
e) the Licensee may not exercise any rights in the Work for commercial purposes,
f) the Licence does not apply to photographs published as illustration to articles.

4. Final provisions

The Licensor may terminate this Licence at any time with immediate effect. The Licensee is not authorised to claim compensation for terminating the Licence by the Licensor.
The respective provisions of the Polish Civil Code and the Copyright and Neighbouring Rights Act shall apply to matters arising out of this Licence which are not regulated herein.

Should you have any questions, please contact the editorial staff: