I think ownership matters, so it’s good to have your own companies that are competitive enough because you can become independent more or less from what’s going on in the world and in your most important partner countries and...
We have had enough capital stock, labour supply is still sufficient, this may be a problem in the future with the declining demographic component. But currently if you want to be competitive, you have to invest in productivity...
In a “new normal world” knowledge, human capital and R&D are sources of economic growth. FDI, productivity and EU funds are the elements of the past.
I am confident that for the next 5 to 10 years Poland will continue to grow if the world economy is growing without a major global recession or depression, says Peter Jarrett, PhD, Head of the OECD Central and Eastern Europe...
Almost everybody was wrong about the chances of Donald Trump winning the presidential elections, in particular the so-called big-data prognosticators.
The worst of the economic slump in Russia may be over the IMF has said, but it warned of possible euro-zone stagnation and shifting politics that could make Central and Eastern Europe's prospects increasingly uncertain.
Thanks to economic growth, the banking sector in Central and Southeastern Europe is seeing profits. This is helped by the fact that in some countries banks have already dealt with restructuring bad loans.