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Why Exchange Rate Changes Will Not Correct Global Trade Imbalances

Why Exchange Rate Changes Will Not Correct Global Trade Imbalances

Ronald I McKinnon
Na obniżeniu opłat interchange banki także mogą zarobić

Na obniżeniu opłat interchange banki także mogą zarobić

Radosław Kotkowski
The increasing costs of waste management

The increasing costs of waste management

Jacek Krzemiński
A portrait of the Polish retail financial services

A portrait of the Polish retail financial services

Piotr Rosik
Polish banks are reluctant to embrace open banking

Polish banks are reluctant to embrace open banking

Jacek Ramotowski
Banks in the age of digitization

Banks in the age of digitization

Mirosław Ciesielski
My paper for INET’s Berlin 2012 Conference

My paper for INET’s Berlin 2012 Conference

Steve Keen
Artificial intelligence could support green investment

Artificial intelligence could support green investment

Milena Kabza
Energy providers want money for energy and for the capacity to generate it

Energy providers want money for energy and for the capacity to generate it

Maciej Szczepaniuk
Where to live and work in Central and Southeast Europe?

Where to live and work in Central and Southeast Europe?

Michał Kowalczyk