Artykuły zawierające hasło: how
Many a thing can be found in the State’s safe
Witold Gadomski...tenders may be issued. However, the period between a tender call and the moment when money is actually spent is often...
We know too little about Polish inequality
Sebastian supposed to show that an income inequality is declining rapidly. Is the Gini coefficient really a good measure? Michał Brzeziński:...
Private property requires radical reform
Sebastian the tax will force you to approach the valuation realistically and to show how much that property is really...
Three decades of inflation targeting strategy
Joanna Niedźwiedzińska...particular, the way how inflation targets are defined or how their levels are set. However, while the essential elements of...
The World Cup has passed, but the problems have remained
Jerzy Rutkowski...expensive World Cup in history. However, the official statistics which were made public recently, finally give a clear picture of how...
Fintechy w regulacyjnych kleszczach
Łukasz rozwój nowych graczy na rynku finansowym. Jego zdaniem dla fintechów kluczowe są cztery aspekty: talenty (doświadczeni specjaliści z branży IT),...
Let’s not repeat the “panic-then-forget” cycle
Maciej Jaszczuk...didn’t take such warnings seriously. However, in the practice of day-to-day governance, which is always associated with the management of...
A green light for Public Private Partnership in Poland
Krzysztof Bień, Katarzyna Mokrzycka...they don’t know they can. Maybe we need some kind of a road show promoting the Juncker Plan? A road show...
Polish banks are reluctant to embrace open banking
Jacek Ramotowski...and opposing trends, have to pay a high price for their success. However, the costs will be even higher in the...
We already are in another Great Depression
Steve Keen...been destroyed by what’s happened with the financial sector. They’re trying to rebuild that trust. They’re not quite certain how,...