Russia’s decision to cut credit support to the Belarusian government as of the beginning of 2020 has forced Minsk to turn to the EU and international lenders for urgent financial support during the coronavirus crisis.
W ocenie MFW kryzys pandemiczny będzie miał jeszcze większy negatywny wpływ na globalną gospodarkę niż początkowo sądzono. W jego rezultacie wzrośnie poziom zadłużenia publicznego i deficyt budżetowy w wielu...
The Ukrainian central bank’s recently published report on the country’s financial stability provides an overview of the current condition of Ukraine’s economy in a nutshell. The financial standing of households and...
The Ukrainian government should seek a new support program with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) of up to USD10bn, with a duration of up to four years, the National Bank of Ukraine (NBU) believes.
Weaker demand for European products, high energy prices and the approaching end of the business cycle will weaken the GDP growth in Europe in the short term, predicts the International Monetary Fund (IMF).
Ukraine and the IMF have agreed upon a new program of financial assistance. The previous program ended in failure — the government in Kiev did not receive the full amount of assistance funds and the expected economic effects...
Despite the good short-term prospects, the world economy will experience a slowdown, which may be accompanied by trade wars – these conclusions from the World Economic Outlook report set the tone for the IMF and World Bank...
The IMF warned in the Global Financial Stability Report and Fiscal Monitor against threats challenging financial stability worldwide. The reason is that short-term risk has increased noticeably over the past six months.
Serbia will sign a new arrangement with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) by mid-2018. Unlike the previous arrangements, this one is supposed to build up the trust of international investors and creditors in the Serbian...
This year Ukraine faces payments resulting from its international obligations. In 2018, Ukraine is supposed to repay USD11bn, while the central bank's foreign exchange reserves amount to USD19bn.