After last year's failure, the Ukrainian government plans a huge sale of state-owned companies in 2016. But critics worry that rather than helping reform the inefficient and corrupt economy, privatisation will strengthen the grip...
The Kosovo economy is showing signs of improvement, the IMF noted in its first review of the Stand-by Arrangement with the country.
Ukraine could be firmly back on its legs within a few years with a reasonable support of the West, despite all its current problems. But this requires a change of the mindset of the ruling class – a challenge far greater than...
The landing force of foreign specialists, known in Ukraine as “the Varangian team”, are appointed to successive positions in the state administration. Are Varangians the last hope of Ukraine or just a fig leaf used by the new...
Debate on the transition continues: what the most successful countries see as a concern others regard as a significant achievement.
Central Europe in general and Poland in particular have had an astonishing quarter century as their economies have dramatically closed the gap with the wealthier western half of the continent – but the catch-up risks stalling...
According to the latest NBP inflation report, economic growth will gradually accelerate without the risk of rising prices. This will allow interest rates to remain stable. The Ukrainian crisis will not impact negatively on the...
Four new countries, among them Poland, will be audited as part of the IMF’s Financial Sector Assessment Program (FSAP). The program assesses financial systems in countries where a crisis would have a significant impact on the...
The reason for problems in overcoming the crisis is not the austerity policy - says the report on “Economic Growth in the European Union” prepared by Forum Obywatelskiego Rozwoju (FOR - Civil Development Forum), a Polish...
Zaciekłe dyskusje budzi rola Międzynarodowego Funduszu Walutowego w minionych, systemowych kryzysach bankowych. Wybitni komentatorzy krytykowali fundusz, stawiając tezę, że on sam wywołuje albo potęguje krachy. Są jednak...