Since everyone else is throwing in their two cents about 1) whether Ben Bernanke should be reappointed to a second term as Federal Reserve chairman; 2) what moves the FOMC will (or should) make next; and, 3) the...
The very surprising election of a Republican to replace Senator Edward Kennedy, who died, in Massachusetts, one of the most Democratic states in the United States, is an indication of the degree to which the American people...
Several of the quotes featured in „‚I’ll Know the Recession Is Over When …,'” which appears in this month’s AARP Bulletin, are somewhat tongue-in-cheek. Nonetheless, they serve to highlight two...
The Managing Director of The International Monetary Fund (IMF) at a luncheon meeting today made the following remarks: The greatest danger to the world economy in the near future is that governments and central banks may...
Important questions to be asked by the end of 2009 What is your assessment of current economic situation in US? I AM FAIRLY OPTIMISTIC ABOUT SOLID GDP GROWTH NEXT YEAR BUT I AM CONCERNED ABOUT JOBS. I THINK THE UNEMPLOYMENT RATE...
Tak pesymistycznie na świat patrzy dziś The Big Picture. W podobny sposób sytuację gospodarczą ocenia Calculated Risk, pisząc wręcz o "straconej dekadzie". Obaj sprowokowani równie mało optymistycznym tekstem z...
OK, let’s go through this one more time. Despite what we keep hearing from the politicians and moneymen, things are not getting better. Yes, we have seen the economic equivalent of a dead cat bounce — how...
Zarobki prezesów największych korporacji ponadnarodowych od dawna bulwersują międzynarodową opinię publiczną. Prawdziwą burzę wywołały informacje, że pieniądze podatników z wielomiliardowych pakietów ratunkowych...
If the following round-up of holiday spending surveys and news reports (with salient quotes) is anything to go by, those who have been counting on a V-shaped recovery in the (consumer-dependent) U.S. economy might want to...