Rapidly growing share of renewable energy sources in the production of electricity is turning the energy industry upside down. Some claim that this will lead to a catastrophe, large scale power outages known as “blackouts”....
Ukraine has the 7th largest identified hard coal deposits in the world (almost 4 per cent of the global hard coal reserves), the domestic coal mining industry is in a state of collapse, as a result of which the country is a huge...
As Poland moves towards cleaner energy, it is necessary to ensure that ex-mining areas are brought back to life, including Upper Silesia and the region of Wałbrzych and Konin.
According to Russia’s Federal State Statistics Service report for 2017, the corporate sector’s net profit was down by 8,5 per cent versus 2016. This is a slightly surprising revelation considering the opposite trend in the...
Several projects are being carried out on the construction of new coal mines or re-activation of inactive ones, where coal deposits suitable for mining are still found. According to investors, the tedious concession process is...
Ukraine is entering the winter season with virtually no coal stocks. Instead of becoming independent from supplies of strategic anthracite and the decisions of the Kremlin, the government decided to acquire the raw material from...
Each of Polish coal mining companies is trying to restructure itself. There are few good ideas but there is a lot of chaos as well.
The Czech government has approved a CZK700m (EUR25.9m) loan to help keep afloat hard coal miner OKD, an insolvent subsidiary of New World Resources.
Six state-controlled companies - including the energy ones: PGE and Energa - have agreed to invest in a newly established state-owned coal mining group, PGG (Polish Mining Group).
Kompania Węglowa, which was on the brink of bankruptcy, is in talks with trade unions over wage cuts