The population of the “new” member states of the European Union has shrunk by as many as 2.1 million people since 2004. During the analyzed period of 16 years, approximately 80.4 million people from the countries of Central...
By 2050 Polish towns will have lost over four million residents. This is as if three medium-sized voivodeships were wiped off the map of Poland.
Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia suffered heavily in the global economic crisis. However, they have been able to deal with their problems, and the sanctions imposed against Russia have not affected their economies too much – this...
Demographic changes will of course translate into the economic situation. In a longer perspective, the ageing of the population will result in declining employment and a slowing of economic growth.
The number of children and youth is for the first time the same as the number of pensioners in Poland. Both groups were 7 million strong in December 2013, according the preliminary reports of Poland’s Central Statistics Agency....
The programme extending the paid parent leave is to cost taxpayers PLN 2 billion. If all eligible parents were to participate, the figure should amount to as much as PLN 5.2 billion. However, already while drafting the programme,...
Precyzja tego obliczenia rozbija się o przyjęte założenia stopy dyskontowej, wzrostu i sytuacji demograficznej. Nawet jeśli nasze założenia powinny być inne, podstawowy wniosek pozostaje ten sam: polskie finanse publiczne...
Biorąc pod uwagę trend demograficzny, polityka fiskalna Polski jest nie do utrzymania w długim terminie - to podstawowy wniosek z badania przeprowadzonego przez Janusza Jabłonowskego z NBP, Christopha Müllera i Bernda...
Medicare’s problems are even worse than official projections show due to increasing longevity. To the extent that health reform improves health quality, won’t that make the problem worse? Suggestion to Congress: Why...