The establishment of the banking union in the Eurozone means that banks are operating in a single regulatory environment, which is important especially in the case of cross-border banking groups. However, the banking union still...
Poland will have to join the Eurozone sooner or later. Does it mean participation in the banking union? Does Poland need it?
Thanks to Supervisory Review and Evaluation Process (SREP) for the first time we will have a real assessment of banks’ business models across the EU, which is a key for assessment of sustainability. CE Financial Observer talks...
The Eurozone’s sovereign-debt crisis both reflected and reinforced the banking crisis. Instituting a common regulatory framework in a form of a Eurozone-wide banking union is aimed to sever the link between public debt and...
The role of banks in the financing of the Union's real economy and financial intermediation remains high, but the capital market will become relatively more important. Further reforms should accompany this transformation and...
The Banking Union can be effective and give the potential to break the vicious cycle of fiscal and financial instability only if at the same time all necessary components are in place – a Single Rule Book, a Single...