Public retirement pension systems were originally developed in Europe in the late 19th century. However, in the 21st century demographic trends are putting the pension systems under threat.
According to the report of the European Commission's Ageing Working Group, the ratio of pension expenditures in relation to GDP in Poland will not change significantly between 2016 and 2050. However, the pension replacement rates...
The IMF is calling on the Ukrainian government to patch the gigantic hole in the retirement system, however, Kiev is refusing to raise the retirement age and offers other solutions.
A positive effect of retirement age extension for Belarusian GDP might be lower than expected due to the lack of other necessary reforms.
Poland has been growing steadily over the past years, with 3.6 per cent growth in 2015, although some policies of the government, in office since November 2015, have dented investor sentiment and could slow growth, according to...
There is an insufficient participation of women on Polish labor market and Poland is still closer to the South rather than the North of Europe.
When adopting last year the act reducing the level of the contribution transferred to Open Pension Funds (OFEs), the government promised another amendment. It was designed to force an increase in competition between the funds,...
The announcement of Prime Minister Donald Tusk’s keynote address has spurred the Polish opposition into action. In early September, all opposition parties presented their ideas for the economy. They can hardly be called...
As far as the changes in pension system are concerned, we may learn the most from the Czechs and Slovaks. Surely, we should make every effort in order to prevent the government from nationalizing funds gathered in the second...